Transforming lives through spiritually guided clean and sober living.

Our work

Reconnect Reunite Restore Revive Support

We reconnect, reunite and restore men back into their communities and revive hope with the blessing of a safe place of refuge.

We support the journey to self-sufficiency and family reconciliation by providing a faith-based, drug and alcohol-free living environment for men who are on parole or who have reached maximum sentencing.

Our Founder's Story

Growing up in a Christian home with an abusive pastor as a father, had him searching for acceptance and love in gangs. He was sentenced to prison for manslaughter and the victim's family sought revenge, killing his own brother. Now as a "man of God," Matt openly shares his story which united him with his victim's brother and sister.

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Addiction Recovery in Higher Education: A Guide

Discover the challenges college students face with addiction in higher education. This guide sheds light on the risks of various substances, potential repercussions, and flexible treatment options. Get informed, take action, and start your journey to a healthier, addiction-free college experience today.

Start Your Journey